Tuesday 29 August 2017

Palpation - The rabbit scan

In the previous post  I mentioned mating the does on  04/08/17. Today being the third week, I had to palpate the two does early in the morning before leaving home.

The palpation process:

This requires some practice - two or more tries before you can master it. When I was feeling the does abdomen, I wasn't doing it to grab the kits or to count how many there were... that could have endangered the developing kits as well as the does life. I was mindful of the of the amount of pressure I applied and how long.
When palpating, the focal point should be the upper side of the abdomen. The pressure applied should be very low most of the time. Move your hand gently up and down from the upper to the lower abdomen while your thump and middle finger are used to prob the abdomen with gentle pressure.
Of course, you can feel a lot in the belly. Amongst others, right behind the left ribs you can feel the liver; all the way up in the abdomen on both sides and just under the spine, halfway back you will feel the kidneys. You may also feel the small fecal pellets and the guts. If she is pregnant after two weeks, you will start to feel hard things like marbles, also in the upper side of the abdomen. These become progressively larger until you might even be able to feel the form of an embryo.

It is also possible to check for pregnancy by putting the doe with the buck again 12 days after mating. If she refuses, the first mating has almost certainly worked out well. If she is willing again, the buck can repeat his work. This method has the very small risk that an already pregnant doe gets mated again with the possibility of starting another pregnancy halfway through the first. This super-pregnancy occurs occasionally.

At the end of the end of the palpation the first doe gave a positive sign while the second doe did not.
Bingo!... the first doe is already heavy. I could feel the embryos.
Meanwhile, I have rescheduled the second doe for mating...

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