Saturday, 9 September 2017

Rabbit babies

Extract from Rajis book 'Milking babies from rabbits'

With Rajis permission I am going to list some does and don'ts of rabbit babies, breeding/nursing does, nest box and weaning.

Rabbit babies DO's

  1. Put in a nest box on the 28th day of pregnancy
  2. Make sure the nursing doe has plenty of fresh water to drink
  3. Fill the nest box with dry grass
  4. Check the nest box 24hrs after she kindles and remove dead rabbit babies if any
  5. Check the rabbit babies daily to be sure they are being fed and to be sure the doe does not need help feeding the kits.
  6. Clean and disinfect the cage two weeks after birth, just before the babies start coming out of the nest box.
  7. Feed the young babies dry grass/feed and fresh water once they start eating hard food until they are 4 months then you can introduce fresh green and vegetables.
  8. Separate the rabbit babies from the doe at 3 months in Extensive breeding or at 4 weeks in intensive breeding.
  9. Separate males from females at 3 months old
  10. Fatten the males for slaughter from 3  to 5months (2 months)

Rabbit babies DON'Ts

  1. Don't touch the babies immediately after they are born.
  2. Don't put the nest box in too soon.
  3. Don't use hard objects as nesting material.
  4. The nest box should not be move from it original position.
  5. Kids should not be allowed to handle the litter/litter box without supervision.
  6. Too much or loud noise around the does hutch should be avoided
  7. No stranger should be allowed close to the maternity  hutch without supervision.
  8. Do not leave the buck together with the doe before, during and after kindling.
  9. Scattered baby rabbits should not be left on the hutch floor. Pick them up, warm them up, place them in the nest box and put the nest box back to where the doe is.
  10. Male and female rabbit babies from the same doe should not be allowed to stay longer than four months together.

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